Thursday, November 29, 2012

NBC Thursday Comedies - Week 9

I had an extra week to write these up due to Thanksgiving, and it's still being posted at the last minute.  Even with a few days off, I'm barely getting this up in time.  Just goes to show my ability to procrastinate knows no bounds.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

NBC Thursday Comedies - Week 8

After being weirdly scheduled on a Wednesday, 30 Rock takes a week off.  Guess they had to get that election themed episode in before the election.  That leaves only two shows to review this week, and for once, I didn't completely hate The Office.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

NBC Thursday Comedies - Weeks 6 & 7

Another combo week.  Hurricane Sandy knocked out a large portion of primetime television last week, and the Thursday night comedies had to be put on the back burner for The Voice.  For some strange reason, 30 Rock was put on Wednesday.  It was a two-parter anyway, so it kind of works out for this post.