Thursday, January 31, 2013

NBC Thursday Comedies - Week 14

30 Rock is nearly done and The Office is breaking down the forth wall.  Also, stick around to the end for a guest star appearance of 1600 Penn.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

NBC Thursday Comedies - Weeks 12 & 13

Once again, I've let myself get way behind on posts. Parks and Rec took a week off for a new comedy, 1600 Penn, so I'm stuffing two weeks together.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Downton Abbey - Series 1

A new catchup series.  This had been on my radar for a while, and I had told myself I was going to be ready for when it premiered in the States.  Alas, I only made it through the first series before the third one started airing here on PBS.  It's pretty addicting, though, so once I get started on the second series, I feel it won't be too long before I'm caught up.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Top Ten Shows of 2012

2012 has come and gone, and there was a lot of good TV this past year.  In my particular list, it was a resurgence of dramas pushing out a few of the comedies I had here last year (my second 10 is overflowing with comedies now).  While a few established dramas notably improved, the only new show of 2012 to make the list was a comedy.  Just a quick reminder, if I don't watch it, it can't make the list.  I watch a lot of shows, but I can't watch everything.  So no Downton Abbey.  I actually just started watching that, so maybe it will show up on the 2013 list.

Monday, January 7, 2013

NBC Thursday Comedies - Week 11

December can be a strange month.  I started working on my 2012 top ten list when it struck me that I had completely forgot to do a write up for the last NBC comedy block.  Between many family Christmas activities, the end of the fantasy football season, throwing a New Year's Eve party, and spending as much time as possible with a friend of mine who was home from Hawaii for a few weeks, it never even entered my mind.  These episodes aired way back on December 6th, so nearly a month ago.  If you can still remember them, here are some quick thoughts.