Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Emmy 2011 - Dream vs Reality

Before the Emmy nominations were announced, I gave my thoughts on what I would have liked to have been nominated in my wonderful dream world.  Now the nominations have been announced and I've had time to think them over.  Let's see how shattered my dreams were this year and I'll give a few thoughts on the real nominations.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Emmy 2011 - Dream Ballot

Tomorrow morning the nominations will be announced for the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards.  Presented below are the nominations I would have picked if I actually had a say in these things.  Closer to the actual awards show I'll do another post on who I think should win from the actual nominations.  Those actual nominations will, of course, be wildly different then what you are about to read.  The Academy and I rarely see eye to eye.  I put "dream" in the title for a reason.