I'm going to warn you up front, this week is going to be heavy on Community. Parks and Rec and The Office had good outings as well, but neither of them scream for analysis the same way Community did.
Community - "Remedial Chaos Theory"
High concept is something Community has done very well in the past. Whether a action movie paintball episode, a zombie Halloween episode, a fake clip show episode, or a Goodfellas homage episode using chicken fingers, they're usually pretty great. While not nearly as funny as those episodes mentioned, the unique structure gave us a real insight into the Study Group's relationships. In each of the seven timelines a different person has to go downstairs to get the pizza changing the group dynamic in the process.
Timeline 1 - Annie gets the pizza. This first one is used mainly to set up the recurring jokes and later payoffs in other timelines. We're reminded of Annie's less than stellar living situation when Troy finds a gun in her bag. Abed finds the smell of bathroom strange, Pierce has a gift for Troy, and no one eats Shirley's pies.
Timeline 2 - Shirley gets the pizza. This time we find out why no one will eat the pies, they're tired of Shirley trying to make baking her identity. In Shirley's blow up at the end we realize that as the only happily married person she feels odd man out, especially when Jeff and Annie are trying not to fawn over each other by fawning over each other. We also find out that Pierce's gift is a troll that used to spook Troy when he lived with Pierce.
Timeline 3 - Pierce gets the pizza. We find out that Abed was smelling Britta getting high in the bathroom. Troy is mad at Jeff for always belittling him and still treating him as a kid. This leads to him bonding with Britta in the bathroom. After their acting class last year, I wonder if the writers are leaning towards that pairing again. Annie actually gets to tend to Jeff's ceiling fan wound this time making the very googly eyes that Shirley was complaining about in her timeline.
Timeline 4 - Britta gets the pizza. This time Annie and Jeff actually make it to the bathroom without Britta around. There, Annie mentions her bad living situation and Jeff tries to protect her leading to an almost kiss. The kiss is interrupted by Troy being terrorized by Pierce and the troll. Here we see that Pierce is jealous the Troy left him for Abed and he reveals that he's lonely and crazy. Britta's entry stops us from getting any further with Pierce's statement.
Timeline 5 - Troy gets the Pizza. By far the funniest (and darkest timeline). I can only surmise that Troy prevents terrible things from happening. His scream when he sees the troll at the end cracks me up every time.
Timeline 6 - Abed gets the pizza. Without Abed around to diffuse things with pop culture references, the rest of the group is at odds with each other. Annie and Jeff have that kiss but then she brings up her dad. Pierce tries to take back the gift when Troy says some nice things about him, but the gift gets revealed anyway, upsetting Troy. Shirley tries to give pies to Britta and in her high state she reveals the non-eating pact.
Timeline 7 - Jeff gets the pizza. This is the real timeline where Abed realizes that Jeff orchestrated the die rolling so that he would never have to go. This time when Jeff hits his head even Annie laughs at him preventing the awkward moment. Jeff doesn't stop Britta's singing of "Roxanne" so the group gets to cut loose and be silly, something Jeff can't bring himself to join in on even when he gets back. Pierce sees what fun their having and decides not ruin it with his bad gift and even gets set up for the Eartha Kitt story and doesn't use it. Abed offers that Annie move in with them remedying her bad neighborhood problem.
I love that an episode of a sitcom can make me think this much and rewards the viewer on multiple viewings. These characters have become so much deeper than the broad caricatures they started as two years ago.
Parks and Recreation - "Pawnee Rangers"
Treat Yo' Self! By now you should know how much I adore this show, and this was another great episode. Tom and Donna taking Ben on their spoiling day to help cheer him up after his breakup with Leslie provided good work from all involved, especially Adam Scott breaking down in a Batman costume. Leslie's war with Ron over which Pawnee scouting group is better once again showed Leslie's ability to excel at nearly everything, even getting boys to join a girly group. Ron's survival techniques were wonderful but made better by the girls having much more fun right next to them. The heart to heart at the campfire was another classic Ron-Leslie scene. The relationship between the two of them that has development has become a standout portion of the show. Andy's glee at the puppies was a particular standout moment for him, and it was fun to see Ann a little flustered by not being able to do anything well. The Chris-Jerry subplot was unneeded, but it was nice to get a glimpse of Jerry's happy home life when we know how bad he's mistreated at work.
The Office - "Garden Party"
Okay, Jim would never have the time to set write an entire book on garden parties and get it published so that Dwight could by it. That being said, I found it to be one of the better pranks Jim has pulled in a while. I feel I need to stop complaining about Andy being Michael-lite because so far it just works. The initial exasperation at Andy trying to impress what they think is Robert to rallying behind him when they realize it's his father's approval he really wants. It's sweet, I like it, does seem to be a formula they are falling into, but I haven't yet tired of that formula. For the record, I agree with Darryl on Citizen Kane, Oscar is once again trying to be too smart.
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