The penultimate episode of the the first season (possibly series, it hasn't been picked up). Next week brings the two hour finale, and I'll finally get to stop watching. Not that it's been all bad, it's just I definitely would not have kept watching this long if I wasn't writing about it. I will it admit it was sometimes fun to bust on it, though.
What is there really to say about this episode? It was pretty much all set up. Jim and Taylor finally figure out that Skye is the mole, but that gets cleared up very quickly. I thought it was a big jump in logic that Skye not reporting the convoy means that the Sixers have something that they are lording over her. Jim was right, but there could have been any number of reasons that she didn't tell them about that. The ending with the Mom was pretty cheesy, too. Her willingness to sacrifice herself was a great moment, but the show undercuts that by making sure we get a happy ending. It's a just another example of the show not willing to be dark when it needs to be. I'm not saying we have to get Battlestar Galactica dark, but it just seems like it's trying to be too family friendly. I was hoping we'd get more out of the Terra Nova spy, Curran. That had been set up over a few episodes and the eventual payoff was he smuggles out Skye's mom. He could have been much useful being on the inside when this war everyone keeps saying is coming actually does come (hello finale!).
We did learn some more about Lucas, and I did like what they did there. I was afraid more time with him would make us feel sympathetic, but it certainly didn't. We learn the big gulf between father and son is that Taylor had something to do with his wife's death, whether through action or inaction. Bad guys have to start somewhere, and death of a mother sounds good enough to me. It is also not played up has a horrible traumatic moment, which I'm glad. We don't need to hear about how bad it is to lose a mother, people can figure that out. I'm also glad that the thing that seems to be driving Lucas the most is trying to beat his dad, and not getting revenge for his mom. It keeps the sympathy at bay when all he can talk about is seeing the look in his father's eyes when he finally bests him.
Maddy's story was once again a bore. I like her character, I suppose I'll always be partial to nerd characters, but they have done nothing interesting with her all season. I don't really like Josh all that much, but at least most of his stories tie into the major plot in some way. I also hated the way they played Boylan in this episode. I've liked his character, the loveable rogue, just trying to get by and willing to do some underhanded things, but nothing too bad. He's a fun character, in this episode they took the fun too far. It was almost cartoonish the way he reacted to finding out Maddy's last name. If anything you'd expect him to be more standoffish after finding out, instead of bending over backwards to her every whim.
So Lucas is through the portal to the future, and war is coming. I can't wait to see how they cut corners in the budget for a "war" next week.
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