Friday, March 29, 2013

NBC Thursday Comedies - Week 21

NBC's Thursday lineup is back to full strength, for one week at least. I guess they didn't want to keep all their comedies in repeats for a whole month, so they sprinkled in one new one in March.

Friday, March 22, 2013

NBC Thursday Comedies - Weeks 19 & 20

The Office and Parks and Recreation were in reruns for a few weeks, so this is a Community only post.

NBC Thursday Comedies - Week 18

No Office for a bit, but that leaves room for two Parks and Recs.

NBC Thursday Comedies - Week 17

This is an all time low for me, posting in timely manner wise, at least. These episode aired over a month ago and I'm just now getting to writing about them. I've been slacking off on my writing big time this past month, but no more. Game of Thrones is returning soon and I've got to step up my game.