1.) Midnight in Paris
2.) Moneyball
3.) The Descendants
4.) The Artist
5.) Hugo
6.) Tree of Life
7.) War Horse
8.) The Help
9.) Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Now I think The Artist is going to take home the big prize, but for me the story was too cliche. Everything about it was well done, but I can't shake how I knew everything that was going to happen from almost the very beginning of the movie. I went back and forth on the top pick, but in the end Midnight in Paris nudged it out by a little bit. It wasn't a particularly great year for the field, and I'm surprised there were nine nominations since they changed it to anywhere between five and ten, depending on how many votes they get. For me the bottom four shouldn't have even been nominated, and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy should have made the cut. I suppose if they hadn't nominated nine, my top two would have been replaced by Tree of Life and The Help, so things worked out. Looking forward to the broadcast tonight, I'm sure it will be as boring as ever, but I just can't help myself.
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